There a number of parking bays for disabled guests within the Hotel and Woodland Village car parks and these are available to Blue Badge Holders. When using these parking bays, please ensure that your Blue Badge is displayed clearly in your windscreen.
The Disabled Parking Bays for guests staying in the Resort or Castle Hotel are located in the Hotel Car Park. To access this, please take the 3rd exit on the first roundabout as you come into the resort.
For guests staying within the Woodland Village, as you enter the Resort from the main roundabout, please follow the signs to 'Theme Park Parking' heading up the entrance hill. At the top of the hill, please follow the signs for 'Standard Parking' by keeping in the left-hand lane and follow the one-way system round to our Disabled Parking bays. The Woodland Village site will be signposted on approach as you're driving through Car Park B (Zone B). Spaces are available on a first-come, first served basis and should you find no spaces available in our designated Disabled Parking area however, we do have additional parking spaces located in the top half of Car Park C (Zone C), directly opposite the Woodland Village site.
If you require further information, please contact our Accessibility Experience Team via email on or on the day speak to a member of staff who would be happy to assist you further.